Your FREE Business Health check

Whether you are looking to work with us as your accountant or would just like to get the benefit of an experienced professional reviewing your business, assessing your accounts and discussing your goals and plans for the future then contact us to arrange your free Business Health check.

We will undertake a totally without obligation review of your business including your VAT, PAYE, company structure – the whole works – to gain a thorough understanding of exactly where you are now….


we will discuss your plans for the business, what you want from it, your exit strategy, your savings and investments – everything – so that we can make an assessment of exactly where you want to be in 12 months, in 5 years, in 10 years.

By understanding where you are and where you want to be, we will have a very good understanding of you, your business and how we might be able to help you. Having chatted for a couple of hours, it’s an excellent opportunity for us to get to know each other and decide if we can work together and for you to discover how accountancy should be and how it can truly benefit you and your business.

We’re a friendly yet highly professional team at gain, so you don’t have to worry about asking questions you want to or feeling that we will be talking in accountants-speak. One of our strengths is that we are straight talking and will guide you through the whole process and talk to you in plain English so that you will know exactly where you are and what your numbers are telling you.

If you would like to make an appointment with Cornwall’s leading business accountants for a FREE Business Healthcheck with our compliments, please complete the details below or call on 01872 560326 to arrange an appointment.