GAIN Control – Keeping you in Control
Knowledge is power but as your business grows you have to let go of some of the day to day responsibilities and rely on the team around you to make the right decisions for the business leaving you feeling less in control. So how can you delegate and still be sure that your business remains on track?
This suite of services are designed specifically to help keep you firmly in control, letting you know exactly where your business is whilst identifying any problems, opportunities and ways to increase profitability.
We will work with you to make sure your business is heading in the right direction and then ensure you are keeping on course and in control by regularly measuring progress – keeping you growing in the right way.
Our Management-accounts will provide you with a wealth of information, enabling you to know exactly what’s going on. They will help you feel more in control and give you a clear picture of how the business is performing. By including cash flow forecasts, budget comparisons and trend analysis, our management accounts really highlight what’s going right and what’s not.
Profits are a consequence of doing the right things, at the right time, in the right way. Traditional accounting methods will always tell you if you made a profit. But imagine if you could predict in advance that you would make a profit? On-a-page is a one page document which does just that by recording the key success drivers of your business. We work with you to determine what those key success drivers are, put the measurement systems in place to record the information and produce the report for you, helping you measure your business success.
You have all the numbers but don’t have time to look at them.You don’t fully understand them or what they are telling you or know what to do about the problems that have been identified. This situation is faced by all companies, but particularly small ones with high growth ambitions all the time. In large businesses, board meetings enable relevant issues to be discussed, performance to be analysed and strategic decisions to be taken. This is really good business practice. But how often do small businesses hold board meetings, despite the fact they are invaluable? Focus is designed to give you the discipline and impact that these board meetings provide. A senior member of our team will meet with you on a regular basis to discuss anything from exploring growth opportunities to dealing with major problem solving and everything in between. Focus is designed to put the business and its success firmly at the centre of discussions.
Cash is the lifeblood of any business. Even seemingly profitable companies can still fail if they have insufficient cash flow. Growing companies are particularly prone to cash flow problems. They are investing to improve sales, but initially the sales aren’t there to pay for the investment. How do you know how, when, or if you will need extra funding – the answer is to perform a forecast.
Cash flow forecasts look at your business, using the current performance and specific performance models to predict how cash is likely to flow in and out of the business. This is a constantly moving target as your business develops and needs to be regularly updated, especially if funding is scarce. Together with gain On-a-page it is something that every small growing business should record.
Forecast is our solution. We will work with you using your data, or the data we already provide for you, and convert your plans into a yearly forecast which will show the highs and lows of your cash position. We will update this on a monthly basis, talk through the implications with you and help you arrange funding if appropriate.
Planning is critical for any business. But how often do you take a step back and truly look at where the business needs to go for it to reach your desired objectives. Without plans or budgets how do you know where you are going or even when you’ve got there? Our Planning service is designed to work with you. It will take your vision for the business, map out the necessary strategy, formulate the path to achieve it and convert this into a written, measurable plan that you can work towards and keep measuring against.
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