Gain Entrepreneurs Club
Discover the simple secrets of growing your business in Cornwall used by all the really successful companies at the Gain Entrepreneurs Club.
Each month our members, owners of successful businesses in Cornwall, committed to making them even better, get together for breakfast. A chance to listen to a short seminar on a topic guaranteed to promote business success, share experiences and grab a croissant or bacon butty. Starts 7.15, ends 9.00.
Can’t make breakfast? The GainCoffee Club could be for you!
Aimed primarily at women entrepreneurs who are serious about making their business as successful as possible but, let’s face it, first thing in the morning is often not the best time. The Gain Coffee Club is a once a month mid-morning meeting where you can get those all-important tips on improving your business, network and of course, enjoy a coffee and even a slice of cake! Starts 10.15, ends 12.00.
Diary Dates
We are currently putting together a list of dates for our forthcoming events which will be launched shortly.
If you would like to be added to our database so that we can let you know about all of our future events, then just email us at or call us on 01726 71070 and we will drop you a line with all future information.